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The locate command is a command-line tool in the Linux operating system used to find files in the system. The command searches for file names in the specified directories and returns the file path if found.


  • locate test.txt, search for all files named test.txt in the system and return their paths.
  • locate -i test.txt, search for all files named test.txt in the system, case-insensitive, and return their paths.
  • locate -r '.*/test\\.txt$', search for all files ending in test.txt in the system and return their paths.
  • locate -c test.txt, search for all files named test.txt in the system and return their count.
  • locate -l 5 test.txt, search for the first 5 files named test.txt in the system and return their paths.
  • locate -e test.txt, search for all files named test.txt in the system, exact match, and return their paths.
  • locate -m "*.txt", search for all files containing .txt in their names in the system and return their paths.