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The ifconfig command line is used to display and configure network interfaces, including IP addresses, subnet masks, broadcast addresses, and MAC addresses, etc.


  1. Display all interface information:

    ifconfig -a
  2. Display information for a specified interface:

    ifconfig eth0
  3. Display the IP address for a specified interface:

    ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'
  4. Display the MAC address for a specified interface:

    ifconfig eth0 | grep 'HWaddr' | awk '{print $5}'
  5. Display all socket information:

    ifconfig -S
  6. Display statistics for a specified interface:

    ifconfig eth0 -s
  7. Display all protocol information:

    ifconfig -x
  8. Display version information:

    ifconfig -v
  9. Display interface flags:

    ifconfig -l
  10. Display all supported AF_FAMILY:

    ifconfig -L